The HARMONIC WHEEL has many practical applications, most of which are described in the next chapters. A non-exhaustive listing of the principal questions that can be solved with this powerful and versatile abacus is included below.
1) Enharmonic notes and chords.
2) Given a note, obtaining the 6 notes with which it forms consonant intervals.
3) Obtaining the interval between any two notes.
4) Notes of every Major Scale.
5) Notes of every minor Scale (harmonic, melodic or natural).
6) Key Signature of any Major or minor Scale.
7) Map of the Keys: Cycle of Fifths and Changes of Mode.
8) Arpeggios of any Major or minor chord.
9) Given a note, obtaining the 6 consonant chords (Major and minor) containing it.
10) Arpeggios of any Augmented or diminished chord.
11) Simple graphical representation of all possible 3 and 4 note chords built by superimposing Major and minor thirds. Finding their arpeggios.
12) Chord Finder: Chords associated to any Major or minor scale (harmonic, melodic or natural).
13) Graphic visualization of the chords which are near to or far from a given scale.
14) Transposition of a chord progression.
15) Simple graphical representation of Pentatonic Scales and deriving their main properties.
16) Simple graphical representation of diminished and Hexatonic Scales. Finding their associated chords.